Fargo TV series (Season 2)

Hotel signage

The steel pieces of art on the wall

Posters, map, travel brochures, newspaper (not the shot shell boxes)

Recreated Miller beer boxes on left (with copyright clearance), the sheriff's shoulder patch, 
some of the travel brochures, bumper stickers, some bag tags for products, poster on door, 
newspaper (lower right)

Posters, bumper stickers, framed (stock) photo, police car door insignia

Cold treats freezer, map on counter, cigarettes, brochures

Two posters up top, baked beans cans, map on counter, newspapers, bumper stickers, 
framed (stock) photos

Engraved symbols (top left) on wood strip, several of the posters and bumper stickers on the walls

Pearl Hotel signage

Minnesota State Trooper door insignia, sheriff's shoulder patches, South Dakota sign

Minnesota State Trooper insignia design and mockup

Desk lettering and city scape wall sculpture

Typewriter store front mock up

Police precinct background (stock) photos of fallen officers, with plaques and framed

Comic book interior for a character reading it in the back ground. All stock images

Comic book cover. Images are stock

Police precinct miscellaneous paper work

Frozen chicken food product

Rebuilt 1990s JVC box complete with die cuts (with permission from JVC)

Meeker County Fire Department truck door insignia

Book cover for book store window

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